Chair man : চেয়ারম্যান; সভাপতি;
Related Words
cairn  carman  carmen  carmine  chagrin  chair man  chairman  chairmen  chairwoman  charm  charon  charwoman  charwomen  chaucerian  chirm  crimean  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Adhere to (লেগে থাকা, অটল থাকা): You should adhere to your principal.
Devoid of (বিহীন/বর্জিত): He is devoid of common sense.
Relation with (সম্পর্ক): I have no relation with the culprit.
Send for (ডেকে পাঠানো): Send for a doctor immediately.
Thirst for (তৃষ্ণা, আকাঙ্ক্ষা): A wise man has no thirst for wealth.
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At a round rate (at the fixed price – নির্ধারিত মূল্যে) Things are selling in the shop at a round rate.
Bring to book (reproach-Start- ভর্ৎসনা করা) The father brought his son to book for his failure in the exam.
Foul play (অসদাচারণ করা): We feared that he had met with foul play.
Man of letters (পন্ডিত ব্যক্তি): You are truly a man of letters.
On the whole (মোটের ওপর): On the whole, his conduct is good.